JCS Japanese Language School


You are now on

Elementary Course

Class Schedule:

Once a week @2.5 hour per lesson

New Intake commencing from 29 June 2024.
Registration opens from 23 May 2024.

New Schedule @June 2024

AJ11     Sat 1000-1240hr
(Commencement date: 29/6/2024)

AJ12     Sat 1330-1610hr
(Commencement date: 29/6/2024)

AJ13     Sun 1000-1240hr
(Commencement date: 30/6/2024)


AJ14     Thu 1900-2140hr *full
(Commencement date: 4/7/2024)

AJ15     Mon 1900-2140hr *full
(Commencement date: 1/7/2024)


The elementary (beginners) course is open to the public for enrolment in the months of November & May.

Next intake (June 2024): opens from 23 May 2024.
Course fee for one year (conducted once a week @2.5hr): $1,254/=

Course duration: 100 hours
Term: 1 ($654) /Term 2 ($600)

To register: email registration@jcss.org.sg

Annual Intake

New Intake for Beginners.
Registration opens from 23 May 2024.
Term commence from 29 June 2024.

Registration for Higher-Level Course
(For the general public only)

Limited vacancies only!
First-come-first-served basis.

Qualifying test is required.

Qualifying Test

For Intermediate and Advanced courses, applicants are
required to sit and pass the appropriate qualifying test.

Qualifying Test Dates:
18 & 19 June at 7pm

Please contact 63383428 for details.

J.L.P.T Certificate

Applicants with Japanese language proficiency certificates
issued by the Japan Foundation may enroll for
admission to a higher level course.

The standard of the course levels is as follows:

Intermediate course:
(JLPT N5 or equivalent)

Advanced I course:
(JLPT N4 or equivalent)

Advanced II course:
(JLPT N3 or equivalent)

Further-Advanced course:
(JLPT N2 or equivalent)

J.L.P.T certificate holders are exempted from the qualifying test.
Please produce their JLPT certificate for registration.

Certificate of Graduation

Students who passed the final exam will be awarded with certificate from the JCS Japanese Language School. Certificates of merit from the Japanese Cultural Society and Embassy of Japan in Singapore are awarded to outstanding and top students.

As student at JCS, you get to learn & enjoy for free :

  • How to wear a Japanese yukata/kimono
  • Japanese creative art
  • Japanese manners / etiquette
  • Japanese tea ceremony
  • Japanese performing arts, drum, dance, choir etc.
  • Japanese Corner for students to practice conversation with native Japanese residents in Singapore.