JCS Japanese Language School
Elementary Course
Class Schedule:
Once a week @2.5 hour per lesson
For details on course duration
New Intake commencing from 29 June 2024.
Registration opens from 23 May 2024.
New Schedule @June 2024
AJ11 Sat 1000-1240hr
(Commencement date: 29/6/2024)
AJ12 Sat 1330-1610hr
(Commencement date: 29/6/2024)
AJ13 Sun 1000-1240hr
(Commencement date: 30/6/2024)
AJ14 Thu 1900-2140hr *full
(Commencement date: 4/7/2024)
AJ15 Mon 1900-2140hr
(Commencement date: 1/7/2024)
The elementary (beginners) course is open to the public for enrolment in the months of November & May.
Next intake (June 2024): opens from 23 May 2024.
Course fee for one year (conducted once a week @2.5hr): $1,254/=
Term: 1 ($654) /Term 2 ($600)
To register: email registration@jcss.org.sg
Annual Intake
New Intake for Beginners.
Registration opens from 23 May 2024.
Term commence from 29 June 2024.
Registration for Higher-Level Course (For the general public only)
Limited vacancies only!
First-come-first-served basis.
Qualifying test is required.

Qualifying Test
For Intermediate and Advanced courses, applicants are required to sit and pass the appropriate qualifying test.
Qualifying Test Dates:
18 & 19 June at 7pm
Please contact 63383428 for details.

J.L.P.T Certificate
Applicants with Japanese language proficiency certificates (J.L.P.T) issued by the Japan Foundation may enroll for admission to a higher level course.
The standard of the course levels is as follows:
Intermediate course:
(JLPT N5 or equivalent)
Advanced I course: (JLPT N4 or equivalent)
Advanced II course: (JLPT N3 or equivalent)
Further-Advanced course: (JLPT N2 or equivalent)
J.L.P.T certificate holders are exempted from the qualifying test.
Please produce their JLPT certificate for registration.